Industry Machine’s Accessories
Repair & Maintenance
Machinery is a Mechanical , electrical or electronic device use to purform some function and to produce a certain effect or result Since the birth of the Industrial Revolution, the world has witnessed quite a long list of innovations and inventions that have played very important roles in affecting as well as facilitating our lives.
The economic effects of machinery manufacturing continues to extend throughout global economy since this is the industry that feeds others such as Textile Industry, agriculture industry, food and beverage industry, aerospace industry, construction industry, automotive industry, energy industry, mining industry and the list goes on.
The highly competitive nature of this sector and companies’ devotion to technological innovation brings on a sweet challenge for GOODRAYS STEEL FABRICATORS to work even harder and supply its customers with efficient, functional and economical products, industry specific machinery Accessories and services. Our capabilities include:
- Textile Machine’s Chamber Repairing
- Thermosol dyeing machine repairing
- Stenter Machine Repairing
- Steam Ager Machine Repairnig
- Arioli Machine Repaing
- Winder Pillar & Arm
- Burner Tubes
- Steam Dryer
- Steam canopy
- Machine Filter
- Fluff collector
- Palsa Box
- Scray
- Exhaust Blower & Fan
- Impeller
- Centrifugal Blowers
- Spark Arrestor
- Cooker tank
Goodrays Steel Fabricators offers a diverse range of services for many industries. With our quality certifications and our skilled workforce, we are able to complete fabrication projects.
- Textile Industry
- Pharmaceutical
- Engineering
- Industrial Construction
- Food & Beverages Industry
- Architecture
- Chemical Industry
- Cement Industry
- Government